Harrison Bergeron
Harrison Bergeron Analysis It's the year 2081, and everyone is equal. The story zone into a couple, George and Hazel Bergeron. George and Hazel have a son, Harrison, however, the government took him away when he was fourteen years old. See, someone once decided that George Bergeron is of above-average intelligence, so he's had a radio implanted in his ear. Piercing sirens crashes and booms go off periodically to hinder his thought process. (His wife, Hazel, on the other hand, is the definition of average. No handicaps on her.) One night, the Bergerons are sitting in front of the TV watching ballet with ballerinas wearing masks to hide their beauty and weights to hinder their grace and strength. The Ballet is then interrupted when one of the ballerinas has an urgent government news announcement to make. The infamous Harrison Bergeron has escaped! An escaped convict is just what any boring ballet, opera, or interpretive dance routine needs to liven things up a bit so ...